Calculate now the impact of the German truck toll increases on your business

Germany is set to implement substantial changes to its toll rates over the next 12 months, potentially resulting in a staggering cost increase of up to 83% for truck operators.


In December 2023 and July 2024, Germany will introduce extensive toll regulations that will have a substantial impact on trucking companies. The accurate calculation of toll costs and proactive planning for the impending changes have become increasingly vital for businesses operating in the transportation industry.

The timeline for these upcoming changes:

Phase 1, commencing from December 2023: The toll costs for trucks in Germany will now incorporate CO2 emissions. Going forward, the toll rate will consist of various components, including infrastructure, air pollution, noise pollution, and environmental pollution due to CO2 emissions. However, until the end of 2025, emission-free vehicles will be exempt from toll charges.
Phase 2, starting from July 2024: Toll cost increases will be extended to vehicles exceeding 3.5 tons in weight.

PTV Map&Guide helps businesses prepare for toll changes

PTV Map&Guide is your precise truck toll calculator that easily calculates the truck toll costs for each planned route. To help transport companies and logistics providers in preparing for these impending alterations, PTV Logistics has introduced two new toll scenarios in the following products: PTV Map&Guide internet, PTV Map&Guide intranet & TLNplanner, that consider the anticipated rates: 

  1. Forecast Germany December 2023
  2. Forecast Germany July 2024

Impact on your business

By utilizing route planning software such as: PTV Map&Guide or TLNplanner, users can now visualize and assess the expected impact of the toll changes on their transportation costs. The integration of these toll scenarios enables businesses to make informed decisions and proactively adjust their pricing strategies to mitigate the financial impact.

Transportation companies operating in Germany are advised to leverage the predictive capabilities of PTV Map&Guide or TLNplanner to anticipate and adapt to the forthcoming toll rate adjustments. Calculating future costs in tendering processes will allow businesses to stay ahead of these changes and make necessary adjustments.


Pers contact
Arshaad Ramdjan

Arshaad Ramdjan

Telefoon: +31 (0) 346 581 606

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PTV Group hanteert een holistische benadering die alle aspecten van verkeer, vervoer en logistiek integreert om duurzame mobiliteit te creëren en te bevorderen. De PTV Group biedt software-oplossingen en consultancy om transport & mobiliteit te versterken voor een schonere en slimmere toekomst. De ‘best-in-class’ software voor intelligente verkeersmanagement en transportoptimalisatie maakt het besluitvormers in de politiek, steden, industrie en handel mogelijk om tijd en geld te besparen, de wegen veiliger te maken en het milieu te beschermen. De software van PTV simuleert en visualiseert vandaag hoe de mobiliteit van morgen met al zijn ecosystemen en dimensies kan worden gerealiseerd - van strategische verkeersplanning tot micromobiliteit voor de first- en last-mile.

Het bedrijf werd in 1979 opgericht. Vandaag de dag werken ongeveer 900 medewerkers wereldwijd aan toekomstgerichte oplossingen om intelligente en milieuvriendelijke transport & mobiliteit voor iedereen te creëren.